Hinsdale Platform Tennis Association 2006 Survey
Type: Verbatim Report
Date: 3/18/2006
Total number of responses collected: 137
Q4: Comments about how you were introduced to platform tennis?
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Friends who had lived in Hinsdale introduced Sally and me to paddle. Then I heard about Bill O'Brien. I met him and the rest is history. He got me on the B team and I met a whole bunch of great guys.
Friends introduced me to platform tennis. Then I met Bill O'Brien and my platform tennis calendar began to fill up tremendously. I have shared the gift by introducing numerous people to the sport as well.
Played in Grosse Pointe at the Country Club of Detroit. My husband and I played in a few mixed double's events.
Took lessons with Marc Veverka in Jan/Feb 2005, and was hooked. Played 15s (under Bill O'Brien's fine stewardship) for 2005-06 season. Lots of fun. Looking forward to improving my game.
My husband started playing and told me I'd love it.
Chuck Herbst is an old friend of mine. He mentioned to me that there was an organized group with a new facility in Hinsdale. I then attended one of Bill's clinics in Oct. of 2004. The rest is hook,line and sinker!
Playing tennis with Paul Wiggin.
Country Club
Played tennis...Hooked up with a couple guys at Golf Club many years ago and also played at Ohio State back in my college days.
friends from east coast on vacation
saw the lights on during the winter at Burns Field for years...finally caled the PArk District and got involved
Parents introduced me to the game while home fo rhte holidays from college.
I started out playing socially and then got hooked. Hopefully next year I will play competitively in a league.
My parents played - I knew Bill O'Brien and when i moved to the area, was looking for a winter outlet.
In 2004-2005 I took group lessons with Mary Doten and Mark Veverka.
Invited to play in a league
Jay Pollitt asked to come to the clinic
Used to watch players at HGC before the courts were built at Burns, and thought it looked fun. When Burns courts were built, my racquetball friends and I got paddles and started to play!
My ex-wife made me stand on the other side of the net and blasted balls at me as hard as she was able.....I learned to volley in self-defense.....
Mu Husband.....but it wasn't until the lessons for women during the day, the women's league and open play for advanced beginners that I really started to play multiple times a week. I've spoken to othert women who say they wish there was blocked off men's play at Burns on certain evenings similar to what women have since many men can not play in the league due to travel. Being able to sign up last minute is a HUGE advantage and would draw more men into intermural play. you could always use the Burns Courts for men eveing play...
Mu Husband.....but it wasn't until the lessons for women during the day, the women's league and open play for advanced beginners that I really started to play multiple times a week. I've spoken to othert women who say they wish there was blocked off men's play at Burns on certain evenings similar to what women have since many men can not play in the league due to travel. Being able to sign up last minute is a HUGE advantage and would draw more men into intermural play. you could always use the Burns Courts for men eveing play...
Never thought I'd like it because I'd be too cold outside in the winter, but, after playing once, realized that that was a nonissue because you warm up quickly.
Many people I know had only great things to say about the sport and camaraderie that goes along with it
A friend from Western Springs got me started. We used Hinsdale's public facilities.
Took lessons with Mary Doten and friends at Burns
I was encouraged to take lessons by my friend, Sandy Usher.
husband played and I followed (did I really write that?)
Played it years ago in New York. Loved the game, thought I'd try it again now that Hinsdale has the courts.
Gary Doten introduced me to the game. Blame him.
Friend Jay Pollitt introduced me to the sport last year and encouraged me to join in the Series League this season.
Mary Doten suggested that it was a good way to get through the winter, so for that reason I gave it a try!!
Met Scott Nelson playing tennis at the Salt Creek Club. He started me off at Burns Field and encouraged me to join the HPTA.
We blame one Deborah Kachidurian for encouraging many of us to engage in this highly addictive activity and are actively searching for a 12 step program to help us through the difficult, platform-free time we expect this summer. We just hope to hang on, one day at a time, one day at a time.....
My friends were all playing so I wanted to learn the game.
We started to play with Jim and JoAnn Williams and just fell in love with the sport!!!!
Played a bit in New England years ago. Took the Fall Beginner clinic at KLM. Asked to play on a team. Played on the XII's. Enjoyed it.
I was encouraged to play by a friend, and once I met with Bill O'Brien, his enthusiasm for the game allowed me to ignore the fact I had no skills for the game whatsoever. Once I figured out how to hit the ball over the net, Mary Doten's group lessons helped me understand the game, then I was hooked. We are very fortunate to have Bill and Mary as ambassadors for the game in our community.
Grew up in Hinsdale; my parents played at HGC throughout childhood.
I had played once years ago when I lived in the city. Some friends and I we're tired of indoor tennis and looking for something new to do in the winter. We played a season(once a week) at Burns with Mary Doten before the new KLM courts. We then signed up in the fall for the league at KLM, met other players and formed our own play group.
Started playing informally with friends and then joined the league for 2005-2006 season
My whole family played when I was growing up in New York in the 70's/80s. I didn't start playing regularly until I moved to Chicago in 2001.
Bill O'Brien
Actually, it was a friend from Western Springs who introduced me to the sport.
played growing in suburban Detroit
Through tennis friends.
Buddies had been trying to get me involved for years.. Should not have waited so long!
Jay Pollit recruited me.
I played paddle in the Northeast where i grew up
Played with relatives when visiting out of town and always enjoyed playing. Moved to Hinsdale last year and started playing in league. We did not have courts in the other cities I lived in (I lived in the south)
Invited to play in a group that plays every Monday.
By friends already playing in the league.
Butch Bingham introduced me to league play approximately ten years ago. I have been a paddle junkie ever since.
neighbor invited me to play
Read about lessons; took a lesson
My Western Springs friends introduced me to paddle as a player. I had known about it for several years, but never got around to trying it until about 5 years ago.
amry doten got me into the game shortly after the keller/templeton families donated the courts to hinsdale
Started playing in my early 20's, then didn't play for about 15 years til I started back up in Hinsdale
We grew up with friends with courts in Indianapolis. My mom played in a group.
Valid Responses137
Total Responses137
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Q7: Comments about HPTA educational or recreational programs?
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The pre-season paddle academy was excellent. It is readily apparant who has been to it and who hasn't just by the way they play. The Chicago League teams are great fun and a great way to meet other players of your ability as well as those above and below you.
The beginning-of-the-year clinic was a little underwhelming. It was the only year I've been, but seemed like there was more to it in previous years, from what I had heard from people.
Getting into competitive league play creates great comaraderie among the various league teams. Makes it easy to find friends to play with on the weekends.
More programs could be added during times that the courts are not currently busy.
They are evolving and being well attended. With interest continuing to build, there might be a near future need for additional courts.
The educational programs are great as are the mixed events. I would like to see more mobility among teams to allow for easier upward movement (and downward as appropriate) of better players. Maybe a mandated challenge system every other week or once a month would level out the play. There was a lot of noise in the system - at least on our team - about this and it took away from the fun. Winning 7 leagues suggests to me that we were rated too low. Competitive matches are the most fun - don't care if I win or lose.
More information on the various programs would be nelpful. new people are unaware of the different leagues and how to join them
I wish there were more clinics and events at a more advanced level.
At first it was hard to figure out how to sign up for the Friday night mixers
some of the Friday night mixed games were not very well organized
The educational programs have been excellent....a schedule of classes at the start of the season with open drop-in(or 24 hour notice)would be another suggestion.ONE COORDINATOR-MARY DOTEN!!!
Please continue the Viking clinics. I couldn't amke it this year but would like to next year....
Please continue the Viking clinics. I couldn't amke it this year but would like to next year....
The lessons and clinic I attended were excellent--Mark Veverka and Mary Doten are great instructors. However, other than going to paid lessons, there don't seem to be any options for women who work during the day. I was aware of one Friday night mixer that I couldn't attend, but no other opportunities for organized play at the adv beginner/intermediate level.
I did not take enough advantage of the educational programs this past year but I plan to next season.
I've enjoyed the Friday mixed doubles. The experience was better when the Host/Hostess put in a little extra effort to organize -- particularly setting up round robbin mixed doubles play.
Lots of fun. Learned strategy and techniques.
The clinics have been at inconvienient times. I would like to paticipate but have not been able to go to any of them. I am in the league and enter the tournament.
Very good! my frist year Mr. O'Brien invited me to play with a men's league, and I enjoyed it very much. After that I played with a program Mr. & Mrs. Doten were running.
Have done a weekly drill with Mary and have learned alot. She is very professional and always eager with lots of information. She is a true ambassador for the sport.
in answering some questions, the range of numerous, to one, to never is not very descriptive
Found the Viking Paddle Academy to be excellent. Especially for a beginner. Have yet to take an private lessons.
Need a method to allow for inclusion of others in Mixed Doubles. Same set of people book the event immediately. If held bi-monthly, should delay the permitted sign-up of those who participated in the previous Mixer.
This is our first year...We'll be playing our first tournament this weekend.
There are many new players in the league quickly developing skill levels who are no longer challenged at their current league level of league play. Two suggestions: 1. The HPTA league teams would benefit by having a structured/season-long event in place which allows talent across the team levels to play together. Other clubs in the chicago paddle league utilize monday nights as 'open nights' where the club pro will match players across different levels and provide instruction across multiple courts. This promotes the development of relationships and playing level across the league teams. 2. Also, I believe HPTA should add two more teams next year, one at the 15 level and one team between levels 10 and 5, to allow room for the players with stronger games to play at a higher level and prevent a 'logjam' of good players between the 10 and 15 levels.
My wife would love some at least one period of women's rec. play that DOES NOT fall during normal weekday work hours (e.g., a 1.5 hr. slot during a weekend morning).
Mary Doten is great!
Great group to play paddle with and great way to get to know people in town
It would be great to have a intra-Hinsdale men's league.
I played on the series 15's and had a blast. I plan on playing paddle as long as I can walk.
The Viking clinic is good. The mixed doubles events are great fun.
Very classy, fun way to get outside on the weekends and get excersize while developing new friends and other paddle partners
My wife loves the weekly play and ranking system and ability to sign up online. I wonder if the HPTA cold set up something for men that might not be able to play in league play and / or a seperate ranking system that invited play on weekends for all men who wished to participate?
had a good teacher that taught the basics well
would like to see a few more weekend type tournaments thru out the season
Mary Doten is an excellent and dedicated teacher.
Travelling league has been a great experience - great place for competition.
Only 1 clinic at beginning of year is not enough. Took some lessons from Mary Doten, which were excellent. Did not play any mixed doubles. Played in the league, and have some observations/complaints about that.
I enjoy the Friday morning open play. I understand that there is a league on Tuesday, but I never got any info about it. Too exclusive?
more weekend tournaments might be a good idea
I enjoyed the VIKING workshop and my husband and I used to enjoy the couples' evenings before he got injured.
more mixed doubles weekend night events
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Q15: Any criticism or comments about the KLM platform tennis facility?
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Snow removal and the decking surface have been the only big issues. Electrical and heater malfunctions should be addressed.
More coat hooks!
The decking is sometimes really slippery, especially after a snow.
Only problem I see is the deck area. Extremely slippery synthetic material, and the big "Hinsdale" welcome mats need to be secured down somehow. During snowy or icy weather, they slide all over, VERY dangerous.
We need coatracks!
Lighting/visibility in SE court seems to be worse than the others.
Walkways are too slippery.
1. The decking between the courts gets very slippery from snow, rain, or dew. 2. The garbage in the hut doesn't get picked up often enough.
Slippery decking, hut rarely cleaned, heaters not always working the best
The walkway between the courts is very slippery as are the steps going out of the courts. I have fallen and seen several people take bad spills. Also, most people are respectful of cleaning up after their kids but not everyone. I have seen people walk out with food all over tables and floor from their kids.
The hut is often messy. I think the players often leaving a mess but I also feel the park district should do a better job of house keeping(emptying the garbage, vacuuming)
Recently, there seems to have been some cleanliness issues.
maintenance needs to be checked more often--door on court 1, screen on court 3, heaters (we were lucky this year)
The deck can get quite slippery with snow and rain.
Only criticism is the slick walkways - otherwise a great facility. Would recommend adding cable tv or a satellite dish - cost to be absorbed by league teams at $5 a man. Internet access would also be great. I'm sure we could dig up a laptop to use there - if only for court reservations.
There have been times where the paddle hut is overrun by young, unsupervised kids and the place is a mess. Similarly, there are a number of times when the courts are littered with old balls, presumably by kids.
The Hut is generally somewhat unkept most of the time.
We need a bigger television
When it snows the walkways around the courts are very slippery. The steps going out of the courts are also very slippery. One of the courts was not playable a few times due to the heater not working properly. This is unfortunate when all the courts are in use. Concerning the cleanliness, the club house has not been maintained well this year. Also, once the front door has been unlocked with a card key, it should be able to stay unlocked. Since people can't keep it unlocked they tend to prop it open letting the heat out. Maybe a sign posted about the rules of the courts and paddle hut would be helpful, ie. when heaters should or should not be turned on, keeping doors closed and unlocked if necesssary and cleaning up after use.
floor boards on the deck are very slippery when there is a light coating of snow.
walkways are slippery in the winter
People could do a better job cleaning up their mess inside. Clearly someone damaged the screens on Court 3 and hopefully someone reported it.
The deck around the paddle courts is way to slippery and represents a safety hazard.
We need to put "Grit" on the walkways between the courts....Very slick....
Need coat hangers outside at the individual doors to the courts!!!!
Need coat hangers outside at the individual doors to the courts!!!!
I think the courts are great and would like to see new courts at Salt Creek. I know it was presented in the past but I was not playing paddle at that time.
From time to time it got a little dirty, seemingly after large party events. The heaters on court 1 weren't working for a few weeks.
I think we need at least 2 more courts at KLM due to the programs future growth!
I would like us to build more courts so we expand the offerings of paddle to the community.
needs more frequent cleaning...need hooks on all of the courts
Parents should clean up after their kids.
slippery deck surface
Icey walks around the hut are still a big problem. And people have not been really good about cleaning up after their kids and after the Fri and Sat night social events.
decking is slippery with snow and ice
I wish we had 2 more courts there.
Should get cable for television reception.
It often has full trash cans and the counters and tables are not clean in addition to the carpent not being vacuumed. It is also unorganized as far as not being able to have access to the message/bulletin board. Pictures/awards are not hung. Just needs to be more organized.
Courts are safe. Snow removal needs help on the walkways. Too many people are slobs and leave old balls, water bottles and beer bottles/cans laying around. Members need to step up and take better care of the place. I think the facility is left unlock many evenings the entire night. I'm surprised it has not been vandalized already. Since I do not have a key card, I have no idea how to lock the place up after I leave.
Village could involve themselves to a greater extent. Seems strange that some heaters have not been working properly for a long time. Also, players should make certain to clean after themselves.
I think at the end of the season, the park district needs to look at the doors in the courts at KLM. Some of them don't close and one closes too tight.
The decking is VERY slippery when wet.
I worry about the open access to the paddle hut. It seems that the door closest to the couts is almost always open and it exposes the hut to potential vandalism or as a attractive location for juvenile misbehavior after hours. The players need to make a stronger effort to lock that door when leaving the hut after playing.
Warming house tends to get messy. Players should clean up after themselves.
Spring for Cable so leagues can watch sporting events on TV
We need new carpeting and cable/satellite TV.
I think people need to be MORE CONSIDERATE with the paddle hut itself. I have found people don't pick up after themselves and leave it quite MESSY which is not right with such a beautiful facility. I have brought guest to play and been embarrassed by the condition it was left. Also, on the issue of small children , I think there needs to be some firm rules. Children are running all over the place, crying , coming outside, making disturbances, crying for their moms or climbing all over the courts. Mom's have also set an infant outside in a car seat near the courts and the baby is crying while she tries to play. This is not fair to the rest of us trying to play on the other courts. Maybe small children should not be allowed or the park distrist needs to provide some babysitting for moms--but I don't think this situation is fair to the rest of us. Also, on saturday's people have even brought their dogs in the hut while they play. I think it has gotten out of hand and some firm rules need to be put in place on PADDLE HUT ETIQUETTE. The only other issue I have is the icey walkways. These are a big saftey issue--the walkways are way too slippery and the park district needs to take responsibility to clear these paths . It is not the pro's responsibility. These walk ways should be treated just like the sidewalks or steps at the library. I have fallen and so have others. I feel the village has really dropped the ball on this issue. I went over to the village at the end of the season last year and talked to them about this. I was very disappointed to see again this season nothing had been done to improve this dangerous situation. Those are my only 2 issues, otherwise it is a great place to play paddle and I am happy with what they offer.
The KLM facility is fantastic. It often gets a little dirty and I think everyone should chip in trying to keep it a little free of clutter.
playing hours too restrictive
It serves as a model of how to run a public platform tennis facility. Great job.
One of the best viewing facilities in the Chicago land area.
Great facility- would like for each team to kick in 100 bucks (10bucks a guy) and get satellite put in.. for matches etc, we need to have a picture, lets guys watch games etc, before and after matches
It is asking alot but, it would be great to have two more courts. The strength of the Hinsdale PD has created its own problem, we get very few Home Matches. You get conditioned like Lemmings to drive north every week, but it is real pleasure to have home matches (for all of the obvious reasons). The growth of teams and the overall program is going to get inhibited as was the case when we just had Burns; for general play as well as team development. When Series I A & B were scheduled to play each other and we didn't have courts to play on, there is an obvious problem.
It's great, but if a little money was spent it would be even better.
Need cable T.V. to be able to watch sporting events
We all need to take better care of the paddle hut and make certain trash items are picked up around the outside area.
The facility is very popular on Saturday mornings. Especially, seemingly, with mothers and their kids. As a father of three young kids, I fully support such use and I am immune, for the most part, to the resulting activity generated by such use. But it does strees the availability of courts and the use of the hut. Another court or two would help the situation.
Availability is my only critique - need more courts!!
Maintenance to the heaters need to happen on a more proactive basis. I understand "lessons" by pros take place on prime time sat slots. Do not feel this should happen.
Lights occasionally not working. Hooks needed for clothing outside court. Need designated recycling containers.
Inside the hut needs some work
definite problems with cleanliness mostly due to players bringing children in the hut and letting them make messes and not cleaning up after them.used as a babysitting service
Heater was broken on NW court for too long.
Comments- Outstanding community facility
Alot of junk always laying around in the hut. Not very well-kept. Walkways VERY slick when wet.
No alcohol drinking should mean that, not wink-wink. I've found plenty of bottles and caps.
The issue regarding the slippery deck needs to be resolved.
we need more courts. also on Sunday and Monday night should not allow lessons and peoiple to book a court for more than 1.5 hours. Often the same people are taking courts for 3 hours straight.
There were beer bottles on the sidelines and caps on the court today; most days, though, it's fine. Nice to have a 'warming hut' to get out of the elements.
Players need to clean up after themselves better.
Need to deal with slippery stairs and sidewalks. Overall need to clean-up better.
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Q18: Any criticism or comments about the Burns Field platform tennis facility?
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Need a new hut!
There just isn't the same social feeling at Burns as there is at KLM, but it's still nice having the extra courts at Burns.
Really needs some maintenance. Net poles are all bent inward, nets worn out, unsecured, and the heaters are terrible.
I consider the hut as part of the platform tennis facility. The setup at Burns is certainly sub-standard. Not enough courts and the hut is not integrated with the courts to provide appropriate viewing / interaction.
It's usually a mess! We spent at least 15 minutes cleaning the courts before playing. Fortunately, we were able to transfer our group to KLM.
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Q20: Any specific comments about contact with the Village of Hinsdale Parks Department?
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It depends on the day, but Linda can choose to be very unhelpful at times.
I seldom contact HPD now that there is an online court reservation system.
They have always been more than helpful!
any comments seem to be taken, but not acted on
really no contact other than at the beginning of the season
Once when playing at KLM, we got locked out of the paddle hut and called the Village. They sent someone out right away, we were very appreciative. Thanks!
They responded within an hour when I told them one of the heaters for one court at KLM was not working!! The online court reservationa and even web site is wonderful!!!
They responded within an hour when I told them one of the heaters for one court at KLM was not working!! The online court reservationa and even web site is wonderful!!!
They were very helpful when I tried to sign up for a class at the last minute.
With the exception of signing up each year I really have had no contact with them. The experience was fine.
The staff has always responded in a timely and competent manner.
No comments. The reservation system makes the use of the courts self-regulating.
I took the time to go in person and discuss the icey walkways and nothing was done to correct it. That is a disappointment.
First rate
n/a - I'm on the commission
For the children's programs, they are terrible in every way. Mary Doten teaches for them and she is excellent.
The tournament was especially great this year.
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Q23: Any other comments about HPTA programs for next season?
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Like to see an organized, Juniors program.
Does it make sense to move the paddle courts at Burns to KLM? I think it would enhance Burns and consolidate the platform tennis courts at the preferred location.
Has there been any thoughts to doing away with the series leagues and start our own "house" league? We have enough players in Hinsdale where we can support our own league. Plus no travel. We would pull in the players who cannot or will not travel for matches. I believe there should be a specific, defined window(calendar) where players can challenge up a series. Ex. You may challenge until Oct 31(or whatever date is appropriate). After that date, the team is set.
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Q24: What are your biggest complaints about platform tennis in Hinsdale?
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We are running out of courts given the number of teams we have.
The league situation is messed up. No ladder system for advancement, and players seem to advance more on the basis of relationships than on playing opportunity. Early in the year, it seemed as though the challenge mechanism had been shut off, then just lately, it was being suggested again that challenges take place. I'd like to hear definitively, what is the deal regarding challenges? Everyone I talk to from teams 8 and lower want to be able to challenge up. If guys are only going to be allowed to move up incrementally, year by year, then alot of guys will get short-changed, with their games and their bodies peaking out before they are ever able to attain a higher competitive level.
Very few complaints. It has been observed that children running around the courts can be rather distracting, but that has not been my experience this year.
More clarity on levels, challenges and moving up.
too many e-mail solicitations. The e-mail addresses were originally meant to be private. I feel like the list has been distributed to solicitors like Viking.
1. The condition of the courts and hut at Burns Field
I would like to see another morning women's league as the Tuesday league filled up quickly. I was not aware of this format until after it had filled. First time paddle players do not know of all the events and how to register.
The slow response of the village to correct a problem at the courts.
Intrateam BS. Best players should be on the best teams and play on the top courts - which means that some long-time players will have to move down. Not a happy solution but if you want to be fair that is what it will take. I would love to find a way to foster movement upward - realizing that all one has to do to move up is challenge. Fact is - few people do it and we need to find a way to have it happen often.
For the leagues, it is very difficult to move up to a better level from your current series. There seems to be quite a bit of people playing on the wrong series. I think an "open tryout" needs to be organized to put all players on the right series.
Not enough courts...Move Burns courts to KLM
Not enough courts
None really
Not enough courts
limited options for women who work
I do not have any.
No complaints!
Don't really have any.
the only problem are our Friends in Burr Ridge not letting us grow our facility.
the men reserve all of the courts in the evening
We need more courts. It would be nice to have a warming hut at Burns. More people would use those courts.
Need to get more women involved.
Movement between teams seems to focused upward, versus downward. Though not at the critical mass point yet, the placement of players on teams at the beginning of the season, along with more frequent challenges should result in players moving down as well as up. Understandably, no one wants to move down.
Inability of Village to commit to maintaining the heaters.
We have none.
Why are people allowed to reserve two courts on the same night and in the same time slot using only 4 names? It happened almost every Monday night, and other times as well. And it also looks really suspect when people just go in and reserve a court for Joe Bloe, Sally Bloe, Tommy Bloe and Brittany Bloe. It looks like someone is reserving slots for non-passholders.
Above. Not really a complaint rather a suggestion.
The assignment of players to various levels seems very political and not truly based on merit. I think this is largely unavoidable, though.
You have all done a wonderful job. Thank you!
I often would not get official HPTA e-mails. It appears that there were different e-mail distribution lists being used. These should be consolidated and made sure that everyone is using the same master list.
too many non-residents
Serves that hit the top of the net and go wide.
Getting courts and getting matches. I think it would be great if there was an easier way to play with more people.
No complaints. I just want my game to improve.
See comments on availability of courts - otherwise I think the program is well done
Rocks at KLM below stairs was a mess. Rocks everywhere. Heaters better maintained. Glad to see lights back up to correct angle.
Limitations on hours of play.
rough getting courts evening during the work week(esp for working women because the working men can play in the leagues offered-i do know that burns field is available but no warming and toilet facilities open
Too clubby, too political. Same people always playing with same people. If you're on a lower-level team, you can rarely get a game with anyone better, little chance to improve. And if you are playing well, no opportunity to move upward. Seems like the upper players are where they are, and don't want to see anyone move up to challenge them. I have talked to players from other clubs in our league, and they seem to "play up" alot with their upper level teams, and that is at mostly private clubs. It should be easier to get games at a park district facility like Hinsdale than it is.
Instructors shouldn't be able to block out courts for private lessons during peak times.
There are a lot of new players of the past year. We should increase the league and pass fees especialy for non resident players and use the money for new courts. I think the money could be raised many new players love the game and did not give money the first time.
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Q25: What improvements would you like to see to Hinsdale platform tennis?
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Either limit the number of teams playing on Tuesday-Thursday nights, or build more courts.
More publicity in The Doings for the league play, standings, etc., as well as more publicizing of events such as Clinincs, Mixed Doubles nights, etc.
More clinics. More "social" platform tennis events beyond the Friday night couple mixers.
More courts
1. 2 Additional courts needed at KLM. This would allow more home league matches on Tues., Wed., & Thursday evenings. Would allow more people to participate in over subscribed social events on Friday and Saturday nights. Would allow more people to play in tournaments, (this year people were denied entry due to lack of court space). 2. Routine, weekly, maintenance inspections of the platform facilities by Village staff.
I would love to see 2 additional courts.
Add 2 courts to KLM.
Another local tournament in the Fall to kick off the season.
Move Burns courts to KLM
Regarding the HPD men's leagues, I'd like to have some consensus about how we run teams. Do we have an ethic that each person on the team who wants to play should have equal opportunity? Or do we go with strongest lineup week in & week out? What's our ethic about "stacking courts" during match play? Do we want to try to design a system of semi-continuous intra-squad competition for court 1,2,3,4 status? Should court status be awarded to individuals or to partners? My team sort of stratified early in the year between the high players and the low players. The high players then got to partner together consistently, while the low players were shuffled around week to week - some of us had a different partner virtually every match. The shuffling didn't help the low players establish a rhythm or pose a realistic challenge for promotion. Our captain did his best and was clearly stressed trying to accomodate everyone while also trying to win. I honestly don't know the appropriate philosophy about forming teams and assigning court status and equal playing time - but I think it would make it easier on the captain and everyone else to know the deal beforehand.
More attention paid to the facilities.
More courts
organized round robins on Saturday mornings...say a A,B, and C groups.
More women to play....
More women to play....
Maybe a directory with e-mail addresses so it would be easier to correspond with people and arrange matches.
Maybe a "challenge" process could be explained to all levels. This year I heard a couple of people complaining about it so I think that at the beginning of the year everyone should know how to go about it and what to expect. I believe that would cut down on any animosity (if any) that might occur.
More courts!
We need to grow the adults who are playing the sport.
improve the conditions at Burns
Improve the water flow away from the KLM courts.
Ideally, more courts at KLM and an outdoor area with fire pit.
cannot think of any.
Cleaner KLM hut, less loud language on the courts, draw team names out of a hat or have teams pick a weekend for snow removal, require teams to have food when hosting league play (doesn't have to be fancy, just the right thing to do for the majority of the teams that fight bad traffic coming down are way.?) place a bin outside the courts for used balls.
Additional involvement by Village in terms of cleaning and shoveling.
Our only desired improvement is a remodeling of the Burns Field Warming Hut.
2 more courts at KLM
Weekend early hours again at KLM @ 6am start time. Consider local men's league to save on travel time for travel teams.
I think we could use more courts or I don't think it's fair that a pro can book all 4 courts for a recreational league and not be really using them. I think 1 court should always be open for other members to play. If we play at Burns, we have no bathroom.
More courts?
I think everyone is doing a great job. Keep up the good work.
be able to play earlier in the morning and later at night
See 23
none - going well
An article or series of reminders for the aging jock wannabes, such as myself, of the kind of stretching and conditioning that would help prevent injuries during the season.
Burns update , see above
Intra-Hinsdale men's league.
recommend that the league play on Monday nights as well if the # of teams continues to expand to reduce the amount of split court sessions
Interest and participation in the program has exploded. I believe we need to add a court or two to the KLM facility.
Additional courts at KLM - possible 2 more
Two new courts at KLM within the next 3-5 years.
Limit "family" reservations. Often see several family member names used to reserve a court, including children's names used for evening court time. Perhaps, there should be designated "family" hours.
rules regarding children/unateended children in hut and replacing or serving heaters promptly
Regarding the travel league and due to the increase in the number of players, there needs to be a system for proving yourself to be able to play at a higher level. I've heard that something will happen regarding this, however I'm not sure how this will work.
Any chance for a non traveling men's league?
More opportunity for inter-team play. When 9(?) teams from one town end up winning their series, it looks an awful lot like sandbagging.
More intermediate lessons from Mary Doten or Mark
More courts
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Q27: Any other comments, complaints, or feedback?
Displaying 1-137 of 137
Phenominal hut and courts at KLM. It has completely changed the social aspect of playing paddle.
Think all the volunteers do a tremendous job.
We need to be careful as we set up the women's competitive teams. Many women want to participate, but feel that they may not "make the grade". It is extremely important at this time to be inclusive and not set up a rigid class system.
Kudos to Bill O'Brien for encouraging the 15s to stick with it, practice and learn more about the game. He was a tremendous help and great mentor for our league-winning team.
The gals and guys have done a terrific job!
Alot of programs have been set up to attract new players, now I think you need to focus on current (intermediate level) players
I appreciate the time and effort the board (and others) puts into Platform Tennis in Hinsdale and their openness to discussion about any subject. Very open communication - which is good. You have certainly made it easy to play - which is the goal. Bill O'Brien has done a wonderful job mentoring the highest men's teams. He really makes it fun to play and gets people into the sport in a very positive way.
Thank you for putting together this survey.
I am a former resident of Hinsdale, and I'm pleased that the Association and the Village allow non-residents like me to participate in its programs.
Probably want to get a few years of Platform under my belt before I would consider serving on the board.
I've been injured and so have not been able to play this season and I really miss it!!!
This my first year playing and I am enjoying winter in Illinois so much more because of paddle. I almost don't want winter to end because I'll miss playing.
Paul, you and the Board have done so much for so many people in regards to paddle. It is something that I plan on playing for years to come. Thanks to all of you...except maybe Charlie because I have been calling him to set up a challenge match and he never returns my calls. Excellent job guys...we are lucky to have you!!!
I feel very fortunate to have access to such a great facility so close to home.
Love the game, have met lots of very nice, friendly people playing at KLM.
I don't know what I would do without paddle in the winter.
Overall, Great Job.
I played a father & son tournament (hosted by the Ballantines) in the 2004/2005 season. Another tournament like that would be great.
Hi Paul, good survey! Nancy Ballantine
Overall I've had a great first year experience with Hinsdale paddle, and as a result of the efforts of a lot of dedicated enthusiasts, I have become one myself. Keep up the good work.
I love this game and the people involved are welcoming and make it a joy to play!
Hang that picture that's been laying by the sink all season or get rid of it. I'll hang it, just let me know where. If you don't have a preference, I'll pick a spot.
We weren't totally aware there was a board and didn't exactly know how or to whom to ask the occasional question. Now we do.
Thanks for all your hard work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the game. Thanks for all your hard work and effort.
Overall, it's a wonderful addition to hinsdale and it is really getting popular. Everyone is doing a good job but I think there are always kinks to work out with something new and that's how we make it better. That's why I have presented my issues. Thank you very much.
Very positive experiences to date...might recommend starting a Paddler's Anonymous group to deal with my new addiction.
keep up the great job
Paddle Tennis is one of the things that make Hinsdale unique and a fantastic community to live in. It is not only an awesome and affordable recreation for adults, but it is a great gateway to meet people you otherwise wouldn't.
Bill O'Brien and Paul Wiggin are doing a great job in promoting paddle in Hinsdale! Keep up the good work.
Burns courts should stay there but have an investment to bring them up to standards. Storage locker at Burns for HPTA members to access (shovels, brooms, etc) Heaters at KLM looked into and better maintained. Keep the training going in the Fall to introduce new players in system. I would like to see two new courts at KLM within the next 3-5 years - however with the budget crunch the village is going thru it would appear to be difficult. I think the Village would give consideration in the future (not now) if there was a matching fund raising (Village and Community) to build more courts. HPTA in general is doing an excellent job and I appreciate the volunteer time from its directors to keep programs and excitment about platform tennis going.
Great progress these last two/three years. Let's keep it up.
i'd like to state the incredilbel jobs bill o'brien paul wiggin and mary doten have done for hta paddle
Thanks to all who keep this all pulled together!!
Cancelling a reservation for a court on-line is a very cumbersome process. Overall, I admire the enthusiasm and energy of the group that is making this happen. Thanks.
You all are doing a great job!
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Total Responses137
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