| 632772988609218750 | Snow removal and the decking surface have been the only big issues. Electrical and heater malfunctions should be addressed. |
| 632773006229687500 | More coat hooks! |
| 632773022194843750 | The decking is sometimes really slippery, especially after a snow. |
| 632773030977500000 | Only problem I see is the deck area. Extremely slippery synthetic material, and the big "Hinsdale" welcome mats need to be secured down somehow. During snowy or icy weather, they slide all over, VERY dangerous. |
| 632773040424687500 | We need coatracks! |
| 632773043687968750 | Lighting/visibility in SE court seems to be worse than the others. |
| 632773290698437500 | Walkways are too slippery. |
| 632773297845156250 | 1. The decking between the courts gets very slippery from snow, rain, or dew.
2. The garbage in the hut doesn't get picked up often enough. |
| 632773336498281250 | Slippery decking, hut rarely cleaned, heaters not always working the best |
| 632773339704218750 | The walkway between the courts is very slippery as are the steps going out of the courts. I have fallen and seen several people take bad spills. Also, most people are respectful of cleaning up after their kids but not everyone. I have seen people walk out with food all over tables and floor from their kids. |
| 632773346933906250 | The hut is often messy. I think the players often leaving a mess but I also feel the park district should do a better job of house keeping(emptying the garbage, vacuuming) |
| 632773353420312500 | Recently, there seems to have been some cleanliness issues. |
| 632773353712500000 | maintenance needs to be checked more often--door on court 1, screen on court 3, heaters (we were lucky this year) |
| 632773356009218750 | The deck can get quite slippery with snow and rain. |
| 632773362817031250 | Only criticism is the slick walkways - otherwise a great facility. Would recommend adding cable tv or a satellite dish - cost to be absorbed by league teams at $5 a man. Internet access would also be great. I'm sure we could dig up a laptop to use there - if only for court reservations. |
| 632773368570156250 | There have been times where the paddle hut is overrun by young, unsupervised kids and the place is a mess. Similarly, there are a number of times when the courts are littered with old balls, presumably by kids. |
| 632773371362500000 | The Hut is generally somewhat unkept most of the time. |
| 632773377806875000 | None |
| 632773386566875000 | We need a bigger television |
| 632773402987031250 | none |
| 632773410290468750 | When it snows the walkways around the courts are very slippery. The steps going out of the courts are also very slippery. One of the courts was not playable a few times due to the heater not working properly. This is unfortunate when all the courts are in use.
Concerning the cleanliness, the club house has not been maintained well this year.
Also, once the front door has been unlocked with a card key, it should be able to stay unlocked. Since people can't keep it unlocked they tend to prop it open letting the heat out.
Maybe a sign posted about the rules of the courts and paddle hut would be helpful, ie. when heaters should or should not be turned on, keeping doors closed and unlocked if necesssary and cleaning up after use. |
| 632773415180625000 | floor boards on the deck are very slippery when there is a light coating of snow. |
| 632773446863281250 | walkways are slippery in the winter |
| 632773447988437500 | People could do a better job cleaning up their mess inside. Clearly someone damaged the screens on Court 3 and hopefully someone reported it. |
| 632773459638281250 | The deck around the paddle courts is way to slippery and represents a safety hazard. |
| 632773466313593750 | We need to put "Grit" on the walkways between the courts....Very slick.... |
| 632773467403593750 | Need coat hangers outside at the individual doors to the courts!!!! |
| 632773467487968750 | Need coat hangers outside at the individual doors to the courts!!!! |
| 632773507424531250 | I think the courts are great and would like to see new courts at Salt Creek. I know it was presented in the past but I was not playing paddle at that time. |
| 632773508565312500 | From time to time it got a little dirty, seemingly after large party events.
The heaters on court 1 weren't working for a few weeks. |
| 632773568332812500 | I think we need at least 2 more courts at KLM due to the programs future growth! |
| 632773571072656250 | I would like us to build more courts so we expand the offerings of paddle to the community. |
| 632773624656562500 | needs more frequent cleaning...need hooks on all of the courts |
| 632773669709218750 | no |
| 632773673233750000 | Parents should clean up after their kids. |
| 632773758371406250 | slippery deck surface |
| 632773847121250000 | Icey walks around the hut are still a big problem. And people have not been really good about cleaning up after their kids and after the Fri and Sat night social events. |
| 632773993316250000 | decking is slippery with snow and ice |
| 632774108437187500 | Slippery! |
| 632774134500625000 | I wish we had 2 more courts there. |
| 632774156670312500 | Should get cable for television reception. |
| 632774214985000000 | It often has full trash cans and the counters and tables are not clean in addition to the carpent not being vacuumed. It is also unorganized as far as not being able to have access to the message/bulletin board. Pictures/awards are not hung. Just needs to be more organized. |
| 632774246090625000 | Courts are safe. Snow removal needs help on the walkways. Too many people are slobs and leave old balls, water bottles and beer bottles/cans laying around. Members need to step up and take better care of the place. I think the facility is left unlock many evenings the entire night. I'm surprised it has not been vandalized already. Since I do not have a key card, I have no idea how to lock the place up after I leave. |
| 632774246717812500 | Village could involve themselves to a greater extent. Seems strange that some heaters have not been working properly for a long time.
Also, players should make certain to clean after themselves. |
| 632774307866718750 | I think at the end of the season, the park district needs to look at the doors in the courts at KLM. Some of them don't close and one closes too tight. |
| 632774318785156250 | The decking is VERY slippery when wet. |
| 632774386262500000 | I worry about the open access to the paddle hut. It seems that the door closest to the couts is almost always open and it exposes the hut to potential vandalism or as a attractive location for juvenile misbehavior after hours. The players need to make a stronger effort to lock that door when leaving the hut after playing. |
| 632774565702812500 | Warming house tends to get messy. Players should clean up after themselves. |
| 632774709678750000 | Spring for Cable so leagues can watch sporting events on TV |
| 632774736104687500 | We need new carpeting and cable/satellite TV. |
| 632775064223593750 | I think people need to be MORE CONSIDERATE with the paddle hut itself. I have found people don't pick up after themselves and leave it quite MESSY which is not right with such a beautiful facility. I have brought guest to play and been embarrassed by the condition it was left. Also, on the issue of small children , I think there needs to be some firm rules. Children are running all over the place, crying , coming outside, making disturbances, crying for their moms or climbing all over the courts. Mom's have also set an infant outside in a car seat near the courts and the baby is crying while she tries to play. This is not fair to the rest of us trying to play on the other courts. Maybe small children should not be allowed or the park distrist needs to provide some babysitting for moms--but I don't think this situation is fair to the rest of us. Also, on saturday's people have even brought their dogs in the hut while they play. I think it has gotten out of hand and some firm rules need to be put in place on PADDLE HUT ETIQUETTE.
The only other issue I have is the icey walkways. These are a big saftey issue--the walkways are way too slippery and the park district needs to take responsibility to clear these paths . It is not the pro's responsibility. These walk ways should be treated just like the sidewalks or steps at the library. I have fallen and so have others. I feel the village has really dropped the ball on this issue. I went over to the village at the end of the season last year and talked to them about this. I was very disappointed to see again this season nothing had been done to improve this dangerous situation.
Those are my only 2 issues, otherwise it is a great place to play paddle and I am happy with what they offer. |
| 632775928717031250 | The KLM facility is fantastic. It often gets a little dirty and I think everyone should chip in trying to keep it a little free of clutter. |
| 632775934122656250 | playing hours too restrictive |
| 632775935113593750 | It serves as a model of how to run a public platform tennis facility. Great job. |
| 632775938670625000 | One of the best viewing facilities in the Chicago land area. |
| 632775943865937500 | Great facility- would like for each team to kick in 100 bucks (10bucks a guy) and get satellite put in.. for matches etc, we need to have a picture, lets guys watch games etc, before and after matches |
| 632775947637500000 | It is asking alot but, it would be great to have two more courts. The strength of the Hinsdale PD has created its own problem, we get very few Home Matches. You get conditioned like Lemmings to drive north every week, but it is real pleasure to have home matches (for all of the obvious reasons). The growth of teams and the overall program is going to get inhibited as was the case when we just had Burns; for general play as well as team development. When Series I A & B were scheduled to play each other and we didn't have courts to play on, there is an obvious problem. |
| 632775972675625000 | None. |
| 632776045355937500 | It's great, but if a little money was spent it would be even better. |
| 632776046066093750 | Need cable T.V. to be able to watch sporting events |
| 632776049541093750 | We all need to take better care of the paddle hut and make certain trash items are picked up around the outside area. |
| 632776053169531250 | The facility is very popular on Saturday mornings. Especially, seemingly, with mothers and their kids. As a father of three young kids, I fully support such use and I am immune, for the most part, to the resulting activity generated by such use. But it does strees the availability of courts and the use of the hut. Another court or two would help the situation. |
| 632776132561562500 | Availability is my only critique - need more courts!! |
| 632776298878125000 | Maintenance to the heaters need to happen on a more proactive basis. I understand "lessons" by pros take place on prime time sat slots. Do not feel this should happen. |
| 632777904545156250 | Lights occasionally not working.
Hooks needed for clothing outside court.
Need designated recycling containers. |
| 632777913441718750 | Inside the hut needs some work |
| 632778012440000000 | definite problems with cleanliness mostly due to players bringing children in the hut and letting them make messes and not cleaning up after them.used as a babysitting service |
| 632778086117031250 | Heater was broken on NW court for too long.
| 632778770697187500 | Comments- Outstanding community facility |
| 632778772778281250 | Alot of junk always laying around in the hut. Not very well-kept. Walkways VERY slick when wet.
| 632778886666093750 | No alcohol drinking should mean that, not wink-wink. I've found plenty of bottles and caps. |
| 632779036196250000 | The issue regarding the slippery deck needs to be resolved. |
| 632779436315156250 | we need more courts. also on Sunday and Monday night should not allow lessons and peoiple to book a court for more than 1.5 hours. Often the same people are taking courts for 3 hours straight. |
| 632779898334375000 | There were beer bottles on the sidelines and caps on the court today; most days, though, it's fine. Nice to have a 'warming hut' to get out of the elements. |
| 632780519404531250 | Players need to clean up after themselves better. |
| 632782834518281250 | Need to deal with slippery stairs and sidewalks. Overall need to clean-up better. |