The courts are close to completed. Reilly Green Mountain is putting in six heaters per court and those are expected to arrive any day. Once the decking and stairs are in place, the courts should be pretty ready for the season.
All-Bry continues their efforts on the hut. Carpenters are building the frame for the decking, adding trim on the outside, and should be completing the trim on the inside. Painting has been pushed off into the first two weeks of September.
There's a good probability that the project will wind up in time for the Viking Academy, but there will be some loose ends.
Here's the view from the south side of the facility. You may notice that the KLM courts have eight lights per court, two more than what we have at Burns Field. You may also notice the east-west grade much more now that the court skirts have been added.
Windows went in this week. There's quite a "wow" factor for the look of the tongue-and-groove cedar ceiling from the first set of visitors. We may not miss the Zook hut, after all.