Passholders can now make your paddle court reservations online. Effective Monday, November 15 at 9:00 a.m. you can see what courts are available and reserve a court via the Internet. Here’s how it works:
1. Go to the reservations system website at A link to this site can be found on the Village website and at
2. Type in the general password which is “hinsdale” (this password is the same for all paddle passholders).
3. You will be taken to the reservations page.
a. Select the date you want to look at. The system will let you see up to ten days in advance.
b. Select your name and the names of your other 3 players from the drop-down lists.
c. Select a time and a court.
d. Select “Reserve Court”
e. Put in your Paddle Pass number. This is the number on the pass you received from the Village earlier this Fall. If you can’t find your pass please contact Linda at the Village of Hinsdale Park and Recreation Office at (630) 789-7090.
f. Press the “Update Court Reservation” button.
g. When the screen updates and shows your reservation press the “Print Confirmation” button and print a copy for your records. This will prevent any confusion at the courts.
h. You can cancel the court by repeating the process but selecting “Cancel Court” in step d.
The rules for making reservations are the same as they were before except that you can now make a reservation right up until 15 minutes before your court time.
Reservations are limited to one (1) reservation during prime time per week. Prime Time Defined:
Monday-Thursday 5:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Unlimited non-prime time reservations can also be made.
You will make the Internet reservation system a success by
- using it every time you play
- remembering to cancel if your plans change
Questions or comments about the system? Please call the Park and Recreation Department at 630-789-7090