Sunday, February 27, 2005

Play-off Matches

All 9 HPD teams made the play-offs. We've even got one home match!

Tuesday (March 1):
HPD2 (1st) home against Hinsdale Golf Club (8th)
HPD5 (4th) at Saddle & Cycle (5th)
HPD11 (1st) at Westmoreland (8th)
HPD14 (4th) at Skokie (5th)

HPD1 (1st) at Exmoor (8th)
HPD7 (3rd) at Glenview (6th)
HPD14 (3rd) at Lakeshore CC (6th)

HPD3 (3rd) at Winnetka-2 (6th)
HPD9 (2nd) at North Shore (7th)

Semi-final matches will be played on Monday, March 7. Locations TBD.

Finals will be held on Wednesday, March 9. Series 1 and 2 at Glenview. Others TBD. Attendance for all HPD players is required at the Glenview finals! Superior competition and superior nutrition are calling!

Note: The League web site shows some of the locations and matches differently than what's listed here. Apparently those postings are incorrect.