- HPD4 eked out a 7-6 win over Winnetka
- Series 5 had only 7 of the regular players and lost 10-4 to a tough Five Seasons squad
- Series 7 tied Valley Lo on both points and games, but won court one and took the match
- Series 8 won a convincing 9-5 victory over Tennaqua
- Series 12 won 10-4 a Winnetka team
- Series 15 spanked their Tennaqua opponents 12-1
There will be 70+ handsome navy championship hats showing up at KLM to go along with the 70+ championship mugs won in the regular season.
Quite a season for HPD! Six teams finished both first during the regular season and then also won the playoffs. Series 3 came in third during the regular season, but won the playoffs. Series 5 won the regular season, but came in second in the playoffs. On top of all that, HPD had two teams competing for the first time ever in series I this season!