Players wishing to join a traveling team should contact Ed Usher ( or Paul Wiggin ( during September. Please provide some background information with your message:
1. Have you played paddle much? How about other racquet sports? If so, tell us about your level of play.
2. We'll need contact information if you join the league: Home address, home phone, work phone, mobile phone, and date-of-birth. (I have no idea why the league wants birthdays ... I haven't seen a present yet, or even a card).
3. Teams play weekly from October through early March. Women's league matches are on Thursdays during the daytime and are all played on the north shore. Men's league matches are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays, depending on the level of play. Half of the 18 matches are home matches. Let us know whether you would be available about half the time, 75%, or 90% of the time? We build a longer roster of players when a team has people traveling a lot for work.
4. Have you registered for a pass with the Village of Hinsdale yet? Here's a link to the parks brochure: