Really? Now, why wouldn't we all trust this board?
The rejection of a referendum which would have provided the Village of Hinsdale the right to an additional 1 percent sales tax, and with cash to spend on infrastructure improvements, was seen as a clear signal to Village President Mike Woerner. "There is clearly a lack of trust in this community of this particular Village Board," he said to The Doings (November 9, 2006 edition -- page 5H).
Hinsdale voted down the sales tax increase on November 7 by more than a two-to-one margin:
Yes ...1,720 votes .... 31%
No ....3,830 votes .... 69%
Perhaps as Woerner was relating his disappointment he was really thinking -- given all of his moves to appease a few breakfast buddies in a nearby town -- that he should have run the sales tax referendum on Burr Ridge's ballot instead of Hinsdale's.

Apparently being "strategic" in Hinsdale has come to mean favoring public ownership over private enterprise. It makes one wonder. ComEd may not be doing a great job keeping the power on, but is their infrastructure anywhere as neglected as the Village of Hinsdale's roads?