A prominent developer is proposing that Hinsdale address its needs with one GINORMOUS project. The concept is to build a multi-use structure on the north side of the Burlington Northern tracks, between Lincoln and Madison Streets. The all-concrete building would feature a 12 story hotel/condo with 300 guest suites. Rather than aiming simply at attracting "empty nesters" looking to mitigate a rising property tax burden, the proposed 120 units of condominiums will serve piping-hot oatmeal every morning and thereby qualify for one of Hinsdale's latest definitions of "life-style housing".
The complex will be sized for parking of 325 cars, light trucks, and monster SUVs. The final kicker, in this well-positioned plan, is to place up to 8 lighted platform tennis courts on the rooftops. "Given the planned location of the courts, we haven't been able to fully incorporate Hinsdale's desire to use a berm to shield the court lights yet", said the developer.
"We believe that this one-size-fits-all solution is exactly what Hinsdale has been seeking," reported a village official, on the condition that he remain anonymous. He then added, "What's really great about this plan is that it can also support the combined storage needs of our annual leaf pick-up and the overhead transmission lines required when the Hinsdale Electrical Utility takes over management of the electrical grid from ComEd. It is going to be a beauty."
The lobby for the parking structure will provide space for Starbucks and a pharmacy.