An HPD rising star whose dwelling is in Glen Ellyn was quoted in a Daily Herald article this week...
"Marty Engel of Glen Ellyn said he's thrilled about the new courts and spending more time with his family, since he no longer has to drive to Hinsdale to play. The 33-year-old especially enjoys the social aspect of the game, the fact that it's an outdoor sport during the cold, and, of course, the competition. "I'm really, really excited," he said. "I think it's a sport that a lot of people, once they get the opportunity to get out to play, will be bit by the bug as I was a few years back, and I really enjoy the sport." The district is offering free introductory play on the courts through Thursday. But memberships, which are $50 for an individual and $150 for a family of four, will be required for athletes from Friday through May 31. Adult leagues and lessons will be available for varying prices, and activities are open to nonresidents. If athletes don't have their own gear, they can purchase or rent equipment from Spring Avenue Recreation Center. A half-dozen nationally ranked professionals also are expected to give free lessons to the general public Dec. 26 through Jan. 7.
At half the price of Hinsdale's resident membership fees, residents of Glen Ellyn are getting an awesome deal on a great winter activity.