Monday, November 22, 2004
Usher Dynasty Reigns at Intermediates
Bill O'Brien says:
Look into and click on "Tournaments" and then, under "Tournament Draws" you will find the Results for the Intermediates Tournament.
Ed and Pat Usher won the main draw in a 3-6, 6-4, 6-4 marathon match against the #1 seed -- Jay Woldenberg and Jeff Martin -- a TERRIFIC win for Ed and Pat. To get to that final, they had to beat Scott Meyer and Marc Veverka in the semis. Scott and Marc had played VERY well leading up to that semi -- and they continued that great play in their match with Ed and Pat -- but Ed and Pat finally prevailed 9 to 7 in a third-set tie-breaker to move on to the finals (next year, I have to set up the draw such that Hinsdale teams never meet until the finals).

The team of Wing (Terry paid me to list his team in counter-alphabetic order), Schaefer and Concklin made it into the quarter-finals of the main draw which is another great accomplishment for the Hinsdale players.
Jim Chadwick and Donn York won their first match, lost their second to a very tough team, then beat a team in the consolation round that went on to win the Consolation Reprieve -- and then finally lost to the tennis pro from Lake Forest. I know they are not thrilled with the outcome, but I think they played well given what they were up against.
And Jay Pollitt / Bob Schultz / Paul Wiggin lost in the first round to that same tennis pro from Lake Forest (who eventually slew the Chadwick / York team) -- and then continued to run into buzz saws until they were eventually out of the tournament. They played well, but they just need somebody who is a little kinder than I was constructing the draws next year.
Look into and click on "Tournaments" and then, under "Tournament Draws" you will find the Results for the Intermediates Tournament.
Ed and Pat Usher won the main draw in a 3-6, 6-4, 6-4 marathon match against the #1 seed -- Jay Woldenberg and Jeff Martin -- a TERRIFIC win for Ed and Pat. To get to that final, they had to beat Scott Meyer and Marc Veverka in the semis. Scott and Marc had played VERY well leading up to that semi -- and they continued that great play in their match with Ed and Pat -- but Ed and Pat finally prevailed 9 to 7 in a third-set tie-breaker to move on to the finals (next year, I have to set up the draw such that Hinsdale teams never meet until the finals).

The team of Wing (Terry paid me to list his team in counter-alphabetic order), Schaefer and Concklin made it into the quarter-finals of the main draw which is another great accomplishment for the Hinsdale players.
Jim Chadwick and Donn York won their first match, lost their second to a very tough team, then beat a team in the consolation round that went on to win the Consolation Reprieve -- and then finally lost to the tennis pro from Lake Forest. I know they are not thrilled with the outcome, but I think they played well given what they were up against.
And Jay Pollitt / Bob Schultz / Paul Wiggin lost in the first round to that same tennis pro from Lake Forest (who eventually slew the Chadwick / York team) -- and then continued to run into buzz saws until they were eventually out of the tournament. They played well, but they just need somebody who is a little kinder than I was constructing the draws next year.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Thanksgiving Paddle
Ever overeat at the big Thanksgiving family meal? Well, it shouldn't be too tough to shed the extra pounds!
Round robins are a nice way to get out and play with 15+ others who are at a similar level of play. You are assigned to a court, play one set, and then move on to the next assignment (changing partners and opponents).
We'll have four round robins at KLM during Thanksgiving weekend:
Friday, 11/26, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM -- Adv Beg Women + Men series 9-14 +recreational
Saturday, 11/27, 8:00 AM-11:00 PM -- Adv Women + Men series 1-5
Saturday, 11/27, 1:00 PM-4:00 PM -- Int Women
Sunday, 11/28, 1:00 PM-4:00 PM -- Int Women + Men series 5-9
Sign up in the warming hut or by sending an e-mail to .
Round robins are a nice way to get out and play with 15+ others who are at a similar level of play. You are assigned to a court, play one set, and then move on to the next assignment (changing partners and opponents).
We'll have four round robins at KLM during Thanksgiving weekend:
Friday, 11/26, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM -- Adv Beg Women + Men series 9-14 +recreational
Saturday, 11/27, 8:00 AM-11:00 PM -- Adv Women + Men series 1-5
Saturday, 11/27, 1:00 PM-4:00 PM -- Int Women
Sunday, 11/28, 1:00 PM-4:00 PM -- Int Women + Men series 5-9
Sign up in the warming hut or by sending an e-mail to .
Saturday, November 13, 2004
On-line Court Reservations Begin Monday
Passholders can now make your paddle court reservations online. Effective Monday, November 15 at 9:00 a.m. you can see what courts are available and reserve a court via the Internet. Here’s how it works:
1. Go to the reservations system website at A link to this site can be found on the Village website and at
2. Type in the general password which is “hinsdale” (this password is the same for all paddle passholders).
3. You will be taken to the reservations page.
a. Select the date you want to look at. The system will let you see up to ten days in advance.
b. Select your name and the names of your other 3 players from the drop-down lists.
c. Select a time and a court.
d. Select “Reserve Court”
e. Put in your Paddle Pass number. This is the number on the pass you received from the Village earlier this Fall. If you can’t find your pass please contact Linda at the Village of Hinsdale Park and Recreation Office at (630) 789-7090.
f. Press the “Update Court Reservation” button.
g. When the screen updates and shows your reservation press the “Print Confirmation” button and print a copy for your records. This will prevent any confusion at the courts.
h. You can cancel the court by repeating the process but selecting “Cancel Court” in step d.
The rules for making reservations are the same as they were before except that you can now make a reservation right up until 15 minutes before your court time.
Reservations are limited to one (1) reservation during prime time per week. Prime Time Defined:
Monday-Thursday 5:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Unlimited non-prime time reservations can also be made.
You will make the Internet reservation system a success by
- using it every time you play
- remembering to cancel if your plans change
Questions or comments about the system? Please call the Park and Recreation Department at 630-789-7090
1. Go to the reservations system website at A link to this site can be found on the Village website and at
2. Type in the general password which is “hinsdale” (this password is the same for all paddle passholders).
3. You will be taken to the reservations page.
a. Select the date you want to look at. The system will let you see up to ten days in advance.
b. Select your name and the names of your other 3 players from the drop-down lists.
c. Select a time and a court.
d. Select “Reserve Court”
e. Put in your Paddle Pass number. This is the number on the pass you received from the Village earlier this Fall. If you can’t find your pass please contact Linda at the Village of Hinsdale Park and Recreation Office at (630) 789-7090.
f. Press the “Update Court Reservation” button.
g. When the screen updates and shows your reservation press the “Print Confirmation” button and print a copy for your records. This will prevent any confusion at the courts.
h. You can cancel the court by repeating the process but selecting “Cancel Court” in step d.
The rules for making reservations are the same as they were before except that you can now make a reservation right up until 15 minutes before your court time.
Reservations are limited to one (1) reservation during prime time per week. Prime Time Defined:
Monday-Thursday 5:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Unlimited non-prime time reservations can also be made.
You will make the Internet reservation system a success by
- using it every time you play
- remembering to cancel if your plans change
Questions or comments about the system? Please call the Park and Recreation Department at 630-789-7090
5 Hinsdale Teams Are Leading Their League
Congrats to our series 1, 2, 5, 7, and 11 teams. They are leading their leagues as of November 12.
HPD League Standings
HPD League Standings
Newspaper Reports That It's Lights Out at 10:30 PM

Saturday, November 06, 2004
Inaugural Meeting of the HPTA on Sunday at 7:30 PM
Agenda: Hinsdale Platform Tennis Association Inaugural Meeting November 7, 2004
Minutes: HPTA Inaugural Meeting Minutes November 7, 2004.doc
Minutes: HPTA Inaugural Meeting Minutes November 7, 2004.doc
Thursday, November 04, 2004
APTA Volunteers of the Year
Intermediates Tournament, November 20-21
This tournament takes place at Winnetka and nearby clubs. The draw is usually at about 40 teams. The top series 1 players are ineligible to play this tournament, hence it's name "Intermediates". Entries are due on Monday, November 15.
Intermediates Paddle Tourney 2004 Entry Form.doc
Intermediates Paddle Tourney 2004 Entry Form.doc
Monday, November 01, 2004
Village Board Committee Considers an Extension for Lights at KLM
On Monday evening, the ACA (a sub-committee of the Village of Hinsdale Board) met to discuss the Parks Commission recommendation to allow platform tennis lights to remain on until 10:30 PM.
Trustee Michael Woerner expressed concern about the precedent this establishes.
Trustee Laura Johnson was worried about a complaint received by the Village about the lights being on past 10 PM. She suggested the problem was one of "time management" of paddle players.
Paul Wiggin explained that the league plays 3 nights each week and that the courts are shared by 32 players. The first 16 begin at 7 PM, some driving from as far away as Chicago or Lake Bluff to play the match. The second round begins as soon as possible, but it isn't always possible to be finished by 10 PM.
Phil VanSlooten reported that the Parks Commission weighed the pros and cons and thought that the extra 15 minutes of light was acceptable as a trial.
The ACA voted 4-0 to grant a 10:30 PM lights out rule for 30 days. During their next meeting, they are hoping to hear any complaints about lighting from the Burr Ridge residents (the ones who have been vandalizing the KLM fence).
Trustee Michael Woerner expressed concern about the precedent this establishes.
Trustee Laura Johnson was worried about a complaint received by the Village about the lights being on past 10 PM. She suggested the problem was one of "time management" of paddle players.
Paul Wiggin explained that the league plays 3 nights each week and that the courts are shared by 32 players. The first 16 begin at 7 PM, some driving from as far away as Chicago or Lake Bluff to play the match. The second round begins as soon as possible, but it isn't always possible to be finished by 10 PM.
Phil VanSlooten reported that the Parks Commission weighed the pros and cons and thought that the extra 15 minutes of light was acceptable as a trial.
The ACA voted 4-0 to grant a 10:30 PM lights out rule for 30 days. During their next meeting, they are hoping to hear any complaints about lighting from the Burr Ridge residents (the ones who have been vandalizing the KLM fence).