Wednesday, April 05, 2006


News Story --- Doten and Keane Win at Nationals

Monday, April 03, 2006


Jim Weil in the Spotlight for Paddle

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Congrats to Howard Sipe -- a Paddle Hall of Famer

Many of you may know Howard Sipe as the series 10, 11, and 12 commissioner for the CPTC. He's also now a paddle hall of famer! Congrats to Howard on this well-earned recognition.

Platform Tennis: Only 63 players have received the honor of induction into the Platform Tennis Hall of Fame. Howard Sipe, a platform tennis pro at Valley Lo in Glenview and a league player for Exmoor Country Club in Highland Park, was one of those recent inductees.

Sipe, a 40-year veteran, competed in the national finals 13 times, winning the national championship six times. In the state of Illinois, Sipe has won the 45-year-old division title 13 straight years in addition to several regional championships nationally.

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